Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey with Eden Garcia Thaler

Ep. 9 Letting Go of a Victim Mentality

March 23, 2021
Field Notes From the Spiritual Journey with Eden Garcia Thaler
Ep. 9 Letting Go of a Victim Mentality
Show Notes
  • What life looked like before I started doing this work & how I started to become who I am today
  • The hidden subconscious beliefs that are actually at the core of victim mentality
  • How struggling with victim mentality for years manifested in my life & why I finally had to let go of it
  • How I realized I was in a toxic mindset
  • Some of the biggest insecurities and shame I’ve had to work through (i.e. feeling like I never fit in, was never good enough, body image)
  • How I uncovered what I was actually seeking by remaining a victim, and how I gave it to myself
  • Examples of how to work through and heal victim mentality & insecurities
  • Why you can’t criticize yourself or others out of victim mentality
  • Why you cannot be in victim mentality and be happy, free and thrive at the same time
  • Why you deserve to be happy, free and thriving now

2024 Update: I'm writing on Substack:
And posting on TikTok about my style journey, if you're interested.

Affiliate disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small amount of commission when you sign up for the programs below!

*However, the programs below have deeply impacted me, therefore I am very passionate about sharing these things with others*

Shakti School Ayurveda Wellness Coach Training:

To Be Magnetic Manifestation Program [Use Affiliate Code EDEN for 15% off]

Monthly Membership Option (12 payments of $25.50 WITH CODE 'EDEN'):

Pay in Full (One yearly payment of $306 WITH CODE 'EDEN') :

About me:

Welcome to the pod! My name is Eden I'm dedicated to supporting highly sensitive beings on...